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How to leave a review on Etsy

How to Leave a Review on Etsy

You can leave a review from your Purchases page:

Go to my Purchases

To leave a review:

  1. On Etsy.com or the Etsy app, click You.
  2. Click Purchases and reviews.
  3. Find the item you want to review.
  4. Click the star rating you want to give next to Review this item.
  5. Add at least five words of text to describe the item and/or the service you received.
  6. If you left a five-star review, you can upload an optional picture.
  7. Click Post Your Review.

If you purchased several items from the same shop, you can leave a review for each item.

Which items can be reviewed?

If you don’t see Review this item next to your order in Purchase and reviews, then it’s not able to be reviewed at this time. Here are the criteria that determines when an order can be reviewed:

  • You can only review orders that are associated with an Etsy account. If you purchased as a guest instead of signing in to Etsy, you can claim the order to your new or existing Etsy account and leave a review.
  • The order must be within a 100-day review window, starting from the order’s estimated delivery date. For digital items, this window begins once you download your file(s). This window is not paused if the order has an open case.
  • The item must have been purchased on Etsy.com or the Etsy app. If you sell an item in person through Square, the buyer can’t leave a review on Etsy, but can leave one on Square.
  • There must not be an open case on the order. You can leave a review once the case is closed.

If an order or transaction is canceled, Etsy considers that order or transaction to be over and voided. However, it can take up to 48 hours for the cancellation to process, during which time a review can be left and edited if the order still within its review eligibility window.

Can I delete or edit my review?

You can edit the star rating, photograph, and the written note any number of times during the 100-day review period.

Reviews cannot be edited while a case is open for that order.

If you leave a review of 3 stars or fewer, and the seller responds, you won’t be able to edit the review, even if the seller deletes their response. Let us know if you’d like us to remove your original review.

To edit your review on Etsy.com:

  1. Go to You, then click Purchases and reviews.
  2. Find your order.
  3. Click Edit review.
  4. Change the star rating and text as needed.
  5. When you’re finished, click Post Your Review.

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